Wednesday, July 15, 2015

RFID Blocking Sleeves Review

This is my review for the RFID Blocking Sleeves

Ok, I love the patterns on these, they are so cute and pretty.

I am assuming that they work, for I haven't had my information stolen, yet (hopefully never will ;)
 although my Info hadn't been stolen before I got these either, but I would rather be safe than sorry, they are very well made, and the cards slip easily into the sleeves. 

They have a plasticized coating that seems like it would repel a little bit of water if it spilled on them. (I wouldn't recommend trying it out though :D )

The sleeves fit into the slots easily where your CC are normally kept in your wallet

Overall, I am very pleased with them.
They were sent to me for an honest review, which I have given

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